Friday, September 23, 2011

Hair, There, and Everywhere

I used to have long hair. Very, very long hair. And it drove me crazy.

It would get so snarled and knotty, I’d have to use No More Tangles. I’d throw tantrums like a big baby.

It’d get stuck behind my back when I was driving or sleeping.

My mom hated it, too. So much so that after I graduated college, she offered me moolah to cut it. Sure, she prob didn’t think I’d take her up on the offer. But I was pretty over the mane anyway.

Snip snip went the pony (donated to Locks of Love!) and in flowed the cash.

My hair has been mid-length middling since then. But a year and a half ago, I chin-chopped it. This short new ‘do is even easier to maintain! Washing isn’t ever a chore. Brushing is never a battle. Hell, I don’t even mind blow drying. It takes no time at all!

But there always seems to be a but. A not-so-bright side. An annoying wonkiness - grrr! - that comes when one mistakenly thinks themselves immune. Home free. Up the creek with a paddle.

I erroneously believed my bad hair (as in “BAD DOG!”) days were over.

Apparently this was über naïve (umlauts for everyone!) and downright dumb. Apparently just because my locks are shorter don’t mean they’re less apt to fall out! Sneaks! Shits! Scheisters!

We lose, on average, about one hundred hairs each day. That is disgusting. But what’s more disgusting is their omnipresence. Their pervasiveness. Their peevish prevalence.




I can’t tell you how many times each week a hair bunny appears on my gleaming (hah!) black kitchen tiles and wooden floors. It’s like a secret congregation of hair happens while I am sleeping and voilà, they’re all chilling together out in the open come a.m.

It gives me the willies when a fallen tress finds its way under my dress. Eek! And I hate hate hate picking locks out of my brushes (no that is not my brush below). Ew, and it’s G-ross to wipe up straggling hairs from the tub drain or bathroom sink. Omg and don’t even get me started on sheets (especially stubby boy hairs on sheets!) and clothes.
I can’t even describe the spectrum of embarrassment I experience if someone has to pick a hair off my back. (But to those of you who have, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are true friends and I will never forgot the service you have rendered.)

Ugh, and when a stray hair finds its way into my mouth, I die. I just die. Wait, spoke too soon. When a stray hair finds its wait into my mouth because it was in my food - then I truly die. That is so so so disgusting. Omg omg omg. Noooooooo daaaaaaankesssss.

I like my hair. I like that it’s straight and blonde and relatively thick. In fact, I feel quite lucky to be the possessor of such locks.
But why do hairs have to be so creepy and ubiquitous? Why can’t they just stay put on your HEAD? Why must they find their way into every single space, crevice, orifice, drawer, floorboard. You can’t escape them.

No matter what you do, your hair is always there, waiting. Laughing at you like a weaselly little jerk, just waiting to drop from your scalp, dance down your arm, and scare the shit out of you.

I hate you hair.

(But, unfortunately, that doesn’t mean I want you to go anywhere.)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Crippling Sunny-Day Guilt

I have had a ridiculously busy couple of weeks. Some of the highlights: seeing Puppetry of the Penis (where my bare legs were molested by balls-between-butt-cheeks - the “Bulldog” pose. I died).
From ballsacs to ballet on Friday! Omg, how have I never seen a ballet before? Loved the Fall for Dance festival, thanks Laura! Then there was a mini-Muhlenberg reunion Saturday night. Twas wonderful seeing some old college buddies.
Living my life yo’s!

While I could totes No Dankes having a strange man’s balls on my legs, how it made me break out in a sticky sweat, turn the color of a boiled beet, how I cry-laughed as the whole theater looked on in hysterics, that’s not what this entry is about.

It’s about how I was so exhausted, so utterly spent after such a long week, SUCH a long night, that I didn’t spend any time outside yesterday. And the all-encompassing guilt that I experienced as a result.

I stayed out late Saturday night. Very, very, very late. Obviously that translated to sleeping in on Sunday. Very, very in.
I opened my eyes around 2:00pm and bolted upright. 

Of course this made me very upset. I was furious with myself. But I couldn’t for the life of me do anything about it. I was not in a proactive mood at all. I couldn’t go spectate as Kelly and Dana played flag football. Couldn’t go read in Washington Square Park. Couldn’t even go out and get coffee. I could barely make it out of bed to pop a few Advil.

And I was pissed at myself! Furious! I spent the better part of my lazy afternoon neck-deep in guilt. Ugh!

Seriously, the guilt that comes with staying indoors on a nice day is just crippling. It’s consuming. It’s plain outrageous.
I mean, I really should have gone outside. I should have enjoyed the glorious Indian Summer day like everyone else in NYC. 

Ha, even as I typed that last sentence, I thought - aaand this is what I’m talking about. 

Why do we have such innate guilt for not wanting to go outside when it’s nice? What is the big deal?

I mean, if I want to catch up on my 22 TV shows, I should allow myself to. If I want to stay in my pajamas and eat breakfast in bed at 4pm, I shouldn’t feel like a criminal.

There’s an ingenious blog called “Stuff White People Like” and one of the entries is titled “Making you feel bad about not going outside”. My thoughts exactly. Love it. Brill!

My self-reproach is so far-reaching that I sometimes get psyched if it rains on the weekend. Me, who haaates the rain, will cross my fingers and hope for a storm so I don’t feel guilty about spending the day indoors. Sick, I say!

Yes, it can be one of the most glorious experiences in the world to be outside on a lovely day. To luxuriate in the air, bask in the sun, people watch. But sometimes you just don’t want to.

Perhaps it’s my inherent trait of playing into the “should” factor more than the “could” factor. I bring it all upon myself. I don’t give myself a break, don’t allow the laziness to take over and rule. I’m always should-should-shoulding away!

But I’m also not the picture of mea culpa innocence. Oh no. I totally make other people feel guilty for not being outside when the weather is fair and I am ready, willing, and able to enjoy it. Totally.

I’m just a massive ball of contradictions sometimes.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Say No to Oral-ffice Hygiene!

Let me preface by saying that one of my major no dankes is bad oral hygiene. (More to come on that at a later date fo sho.)

However, if there’s one thing that drives me absolutely bonkers in the way of brushes and minty paste, it’s people who brush their teeth at work.

Oral-ffice hygiene is just not hygienic.

I’m sorry, is this seventh grade? Is Mommy picking you up for a dentist appointment after school?


Never in a million trillion would I condone tooth brushing at work. Not even in the name of pearly whites.

Fine, you kids get gold stars for brushing, brushing, brushing away. Making sure that coffee don’t stain, or that garlic from the Chinese lunch special don’t stink.

Kudos to you!

But for those of us who have to see you doing it – UGH!

I regard tooth brushing as a fairly personal endeavor. It’s intimate. Like going to the bathroom or showering.

Would you dance around the office in your pj’s? Sing at the top of your lungs? Pick your nose? Readjust?

No. I daresay you would not do any of the above.

So why do you insist on brushing your teeth??

Just thinking about where they keep their brush n’ paste sends my germaphobe brain into overdrive.

Perhaps they store their Oral-B amongst the Bic’s in their pencil holder. Or stash it in their top drawer next to the paper clips and highlighters. Or maybe they just leave it lying flat on top of the bacteria-ridden battlefield that is a work desk.

Wherever they put it, it's gross.

Dear coworkers…tooth brushing at work is simply not a socially accepted norm. It’s not OK. It’s vile. It makes me sick. The ADA says to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and night. WHY ARE YOU BRUSHING MIDDAY?

Just don’t do it. Please, don’t force us innocents to endure watching you scrub your dirty, germ-ridden mouth.

Tooth decay, be damned! I’d like to keep my lunch in my stomach where it belongs.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Indoor Voices, People.

Omgees, yo! I got’s me six more followers than I had yesterday! A ginormous thanks to those who answered my pathetic, whiny request. I heart yous!

Pinky swear, no more self-promoting. Gad, I’ve become one of those super duper annoying people that I would totes love to No Dankes!

Anywho, as most of you well know - I am not a naturally patient person. Ten to you, Captain Obvious. However, I am working on it. There have been a handful of times where I’ve reasoned with myself, argued, scolded, and finally talked myself down into being nice.

Sure, my success rate could be betta - but at least I’ve acknowledged the impatience. That there’s the first step!

Alas, there is one thing I fear I will never be accepting of. Not ever. If there’s one thing I absolutely abhor, that I have zilch patience whatsoever for - fine, there are lots of those things - it is people who defy the unspoken rule of using indoor voices...indoors.

What is it about this certain brand of person, this genetically mutated humanoid that makes them feel superior to the rest of us mere mortals? That enables them to use their electronic devices in an excruciatingly obnoxious manner?

Oh, I’m sorry, I put my pants on one leg at a time JUST LIKE YOU DO, JERK, and yet - and yet - you don’t see me pretending my iPhone is an open mic at the cheesy local dive.

For reals. What’s with these jerks and their ridiculously loud voices? Why do they feel the need to announce to their fellow shoppers, or restaurant patrons, or train compartment travelers why they can’t make dinner that evening, or what’s happening with their night sweats sitch, or how often it is they’re moving their bowels.

Are they seeking some sort of validation? Do they need to be noticed? Paid attention to? Even if all they’re getting is a huge, honking stinkeye?
 I must say that I have a fairly soft spoken phone voice. Very unlike, say, my mother (and the entire Morrell clan). She has two volume settings: Loud and VERY Loud. I cringe whenever I hear her on the phone.

But in her defense, she’s not busting out her cell at Starbucks and shouting at the invisible, undoubtedly small-feeling person on the other end. There is a different set of rules when you are in the confines of your own home.

I hate the manic feeling that comes over me when I’m in a confined space and there’s someone on their phone. I shut down: can’t read, enjoy listening to my music, or even carry on a conversation because everything I try to do falls under the spell of The Obnoxious Phone-Talker.

There should be a law against such garrulous, shrill phone chats. A law I tell you.
Who’s with me? Get the party petition started.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So Long, Farewell, Summer Fridays

You all know by now that I am not looking forward to the advent of autumn. And, like all those rain blogs-o-mine, I’m sure you’re not in the mood to hear another rant on how I hate having to wish summer, my (somewhat) fair-weather friend, goodbye.

My co’s think it’s funny, but I’ve seriously worn white every single day for the past couple of weeks. Dresses, pants, skirts, capris, cardigans - I would totes be ready to go the second Diddy invited me to his party.

Now I wouldn’t say I’m a firm believer in the “No White After Labor Day” fashionista rule. (Though it is kind of odd to wear a snowy sleeveless sundress once the sun starts a-settin’ at 5pm.)

However, there is one legislation I’d love to lobby the shit out of: “No Tights BEFORE Labor Day!”

For reals, yo. I don’t understand what the goddamn rush is. I find it completely mind-boggling that people are breaking out the fall clothes already.

The nerve!
Right in my very own office, I spied with my very annoyed eyes someone sporting a TURTLENECK SWEATER DRESS. WITH TIGHTS. AND CLOSED TOE SHOES.

I’ve since seen two more dummies donning stockings.
It really is very confusing to my simple, summery mind. Sure, it’s not the ninety-degree weather of two weeks ago. But temps are still in the high-seventies.

Do these dipsticks dress in shorts and tanks the second spring is in the air? Methinks not. So what’s the big idea??

Perhaps I am just a bitter bitch and totes not over the NYU kiddies and their invasion of my hood. I said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m plain envious that they’re starting colegio while I’m stuck at workio.

And Miss Kelly Cobb! Fall Aficionado to the max. That sneaky little sheister sent me a Starbucks link saying the Pumpkin Spice Latte was baaaaack. I wasn’t happy - I was horrified. She thinks she’ll convert me to fall-icism yet.

Sure, I have been looking forward to Mellowcremes but my heart dropped at terminal velocity last weekend when I saw my mom had sent a bag to Cape Cod. It was AUGUST, BRACH’S. COME ON.

Ahh, I digress. Per usual. I think what the real reason I’m despising those summer naysayers and dreading that Day-o-Labor, that white-no-more doomsday, is because after next Monday, I’ll be working till 5pm on Fridays.

Wamp. Wampity.
I know, I know. I’m a ridiculously MAJOR brat who has no right whatsoever to complain. But we’re every single one of us (publishees, that is) whiners. We’ve grown accustomed to getting out of work at 12:30pm on Fridays.

They’re known as publishing hours (at least within the biz). I guess we’re super duper lucky ducks. Cause not everyone - well, practically no one - has such a splendiferous summa sched as we do. And all those peeps employed elsewhere, in other industries, haterate on us.
Rightly so. But little do you loathers know that we poor publishees have to work until 5:45pm during the week to make up for those missed Friday hours. FIVE-FORTY-FIVE! Can you believe it? Gah!

(I joke, I joke, I kid, I kid. I’m just a memba of that brainwashed brat-pack that thinks that’s late.)

No, no. Come Tuesday, all Penguin employees are gonna be a hootin’ and a hollerin’, shouting T.G.I.No-More-5:45!

And come Friday at 12:30, we’ll be stuffing our faces with Spice takeout, trying to console our hard-hurt feelings, attempting (and perhaps failing) to scare up some brain power, will power, work power - cause we’ll have four-and-a-half hours left to go.