But this one may take the cake.
Yesterday as I was crossing 6th Ave at King Street, not one, not two, but THREE vehicles nearly hit me.
Seriously guys? I know this Island makes you feel the need…the need for warp speed. The second you cross over those bridges, or come through those tunnels, you’re poofed into your road rage, lead foot alter-ego.
But come on. There are upward of 10,000 – ten thousand – pedestrians injured on NYC streets each year. Yeah, I Googled.
That’s NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you serious, drivers? Really?
So there I was, prancing along to Lily Allen’s new album (it’s kinda funny that I remember what music I’m listening to when I have these dangerous/upsetting NYC run-ins, i.e. dead RATS).
I waited until the pedestrian light turned white, then crossed.
I hadn’t quite committed yet, and was feeling exceptionally generous, so I let a smallish SUV zoom out in front of me. Fine. Understandable. I was barely a few steps out, they had a green light, so they went for it. I get it.
I was a good quarter of the way into the crosswalk when a white delivery van of some sort sped out in front of me. Being the super cautious, ultra aware girl that I am, I paused. Let him whoosh left onto 6th.
By that point, though, I was growing impatient.
So I went for it. I picked up the pace and started to bolt. But just as I was halfway across, a HUGE, GINORMOUS, GODDAMN BUS bolted right out in front of me.
I was thisclose to being hit. I was so near to the driver that I saw his ugly face and his scraggly, unkempt beard. What a bustard!!!
How I wish I had the frame of mind to flip him off (at least!!!) But I was paralyzed. I had almost been hit by a BUS.
I did manage to shoot him a dirty look (cause I’m at least good at those) and raise my arm a little as if to ask, WHAT??
The sad part is - I don't think these nutso drivers really even care if they hit someone.