Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Train Tardies

Mine was a nation called Devastation this past Monday.

As we all know (cause I pretty much shouted it from the rooftops), I was visiting my parents for the weekend, just two Metro-North hours away!

On Sunday afternoon, exhausted and relaxed from three days of nada, me and my gal pals had ice cream cones on the back porch – attempting to counteract the unpleasantness of my sunburn, obvi. The reality of work was still 17 hours away.

Now. I am a great many things. I am stubborn. I am tall. I am sarcastic. But one of my redeeming qualities – I think it’s redeeming…Ri thinks it’s unreasonable – is that I am always on time. Early even. Early, usually, I should say.

For example, I was forty minutes early to the country-bound train last Friday afternoon.

But the rolling green hills and chirping birds and piña coladas in the pool were apparently too relaxing. Those ice cream cones were too delicious. The thought of returning to the city too dreadful.

We were running late.

We had to stop and pick up an old phone for Ri to use (she lost her iPhone, of course she did), then there was traffic (of course there was). My palms were sweating the whole car ride. Even Dad the Driver’s whistling was laced with anxiety.

Rounding the last hill into Wassaic Station, Papa P ditched the rules, pulling through the red light, speeding into the parking lot. “It won’t be on time, they can’t leave on TIME, it’s a holiday weekend, no way, absolutely not, they won’t be punctual!” – I thought.

We all jumped out of the car – as fast as one can “jump” when you have to pull the handle five million times (automatic locks, I loathe thee). As we stood there in the emptying parking lot, the bells rang. The doors closed. It was my worst nightmare come true. And it all happened in slow motion.

Oh. My. GOD.

I seriously could not, could NOT believe that we’d missed the train. I was heartbroken, embarrassed, devastated, annoyed. It was surreal. Like I was having an out of body experience. I don’t miss trains! I am a punctual person! I felt like David After Dentist as I wondered, crestfallen, “Is this real life? Why is this happening to me?”

I was in denial. I thought I might cry. Yes, I actually pondered shedding tears for my acute case of the tardies. Dummy!! The next train wasn’t for another two-and-a-half hours! Which meant we wouldn’t get in until 9:00pm. Which meant there would be even less vaca-to-work transition time!


Luckily I have the best Dad in the entire world (no really, I do), and he drove us 45 minutes to Southeast Station.

We didn’t make the transfer train and had to wait until the 6:13 from Southeast. With some time to kill, he dropped us off at Marshall’s where we all bought cute dresses!

New dresses + not having to transfer + getting into New York at 7:45 = AMAZING.

I decided to rename Devastation Nation to Exhilaration Nation.

Though, needless to say, I will never, ever, EVER miss a train again.

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