Monday, May 10, 2010

I’ve ‘Lost’ Interest

I started watching Lost on iTunes when the show was midway through its second season. Just like my first taste of Mister Softee, I was immediately hooked.

I devoured the first season and was devastated - kind
of like all the Mad Men newbies are - when I finished watching all available episodes and - gasp - had to watch but one a week. With commercials.

My heart hurt during the 3rd season when I read that Lost was going to end in May of 2010. Noooooooo, I thought. They can’t!!!

My, how people change.

Now I cannot wait for Lost to be over. O-V-E-R. Because boy oh boy am I so over it.

Maybe it’s because, like 24, everything is interminable; so little time passes. It’s the same day for two, three, four ep’s. By the time night has fallen, I’ve forgotten the OMG moment from that a.m.

Perhaps I’m being too harsh - maybe it’s just me and my inability to remember every single little detail of what makes _____ such a big deal.

Lost was so cool when it was realistic. OK well not “realistic” per se - people don’t survive massive plane crashes and polar bears don’t live on tropical islands and there’s no such thing as smoke-comprised monsters. Fine.

I’m talking realistic in the what-are-we-going-to-eat/drink/DO, how are we going to survive on this ISLAND in the middle of NOWHERE? Realistic in the sense of The Others (who ARE they?), the Dharma Initiative (what IS it?), the crazy French woman with the gun. Charlie’s heroin problem. Claire’s baby. Kate and Jack’s unrequited chemistry.

I loved Lost when it was...relatable? Sure, I live on an island called Manhattan, not some magical disappearing island - but still. It was a story of survival. Now it’s somehow become some ridiculous, sci-fi-ridden story of Good vs. Evil. What? What?

has, for me, been demoted to the ranks of Heroes. Nip/Tuck. The Hills. I started out with so much interest, so much enthusiasm - and now I dislike. Lost has lost me in all of its ridiculousness.

I don’t know what I deem the most outrageous - time traveling, sex in cages, parallel universes, the metaphoric God vs. the metaphoric Devil, dead people coming back to life, how the hell Hurley has not lost a single goddamn pound since he’s been on the island, or Crazy Claire’s HAIR.

I’m going to stick it out - but believe you me, it will be most begrudgingly so. I’m loyal to fault with my TV shows (excepting The Hills - I was too furious that Lauren Conrad “wrote” a book - well, and Heroes - Sylar scared the shit out of me).

’s pretty unfortunate that there are over four hours left to watch - that’s precious time I could spend writing way better posts than this.

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